10 Ways to Improve Your Child's Sleep

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How can parents help kids sleep better? First, know that sleep is one of the most important factors in your child's physical and mental health. Sleep is very important. The main actions we can take as parents are to establish good sleep habits, which include providing adequate sleep opportunities and an environment conducive to good sleep quality and safety.

Good sleep habits can improve sleep quality. Research shows that sleep quality is more important than sleep duration. Sleep exercises help children associate certain activities (such as bedtime) and environments (such as a child's bedroom) with sleep.

Judith Owens, professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School and president of the International Pediatric Sleep Association (IPSA), said, "Sleep is critical to children's development, health and well-being. Healthy sleep habits help families of all cultures support and encourage the best good sleep time."

To help parents and caregivers achieve this goal, the World Sleep Society has created 10 Healthy Sleep Hygiene Tips for Children.

Is your child practicing these good sleep habits?

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Make sure your child gets enough sleep by setting appropriate bedtimes and wake times for your child.

Pediatric sleep doctors and researchers recommend bedtime before 9 p.m.


Maintain a consistent bedtime and wake-up time on weekdays and weekends.

It might be frustrating when your child wakes up early on a Saturday morning, but research shows that changing sleep and wake times every weekend can disrupt the natural circadian rhythms of both children and adults. Sticking to the same sleep and wake times each day will improve sleep health.


Establish consistent bedtime routines and provide comfortable clothing in bed, including absorbent diapers for babies.

Along with a set bedtime, it's a good idea to find a comfortable sleeping temperature and make sure your child's bedroom is well-ventilated. Tip: Both the air conditioner and heating can be set to automatically drop a few degrees each night at a timed interval.


Encourage your child to fall asleep independently

As most parents of children can attest, this is easier said than done. But the more a child is able to fall asleep independently, the better (and sooner) his or her sleep health will be.


Avoid bright light before bed and at night, and increase light in the morning

Cutting out distracting noise and getting as much light as possible can help with falling asleep, but don't forget the importance of morning light exposure. This keeps the natural rhythms of sleep and waking in sync.


Move all electronics, including TVs, computers, and cell phones out of the bedroom, and limit electronics use before bed.

Electronic devices in the bedroom can be a distraction while you sleep. Experts agree that sleeping in front of the TV is one reason for "sleep unhealthy." Plus, kids (and adults) may start to associate the bedroom with stress. It is best not to keep any electronic products in the bedroom.


Maintain a regular schedule, including regular meal times.

A consistent daily schedule can be more difficult for fluctuating extracurricular activities, but studies show that the more consistent the daytime, the less stressful bedtime will be and the better your sleep quality will be.


Create an age-appropriate nap schedule.

To achieve the recommended hours of sleep by age (table included), the rest of the time is spent napping during the day. The total amount of nighttime sleep and sleep naps should meet the recommended amount.


Make sure you get enough exercise and time outside during the day.

To get the best sleep, experts recommend regular exercise for people of all ages. Keep in mind, though, that exercising before bed may interfere with sleep. Get the kids outdoors! This will help them sleep late.


Cut out foods and drinks that contain caffeine, including many sodas, coffee, and tea.

Sleep experts have found that cutting out caffeinated foods and drinks completely helps children sleep most. However, if your child is consuming caffeine, set a cutoff time and say "too late" when they ask for coffee. For adults, the World Sleep Society recommends avoiding caffeine 6 hours or more before bedtime.

Children's sleep conditions have a lot to do with their growth, so good sleep habits must be cultivated for them. When children are alone in the room, you often have no way of knowing how well they are sleeping. This is where smart watches come in handy. It tracks your child's sleep and generates reports.


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