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Do you often feel stressed because of too much work and neglect of your family? Or, if you spend more time in your private life, are you worried that your superiors will think you are not focused enough on work and will trouble you?
Without a good work-life balance, health can also be adversely affected. This can lead to increased stress, unhappiness, and even lack of sleep.
Therefore, maintaining a work-life balance is becoming increasingly important.
If you feel like you need to improve your work-life balance, here are some effective ways to try it right away.
5 Effective Strategies to Promote Work-Life Balance
1. Understand what ideal balance looks like for you
Everyone's definition of "ideal work-life balance" may be very different, so it's important to take some time to understand what your ideal balance looks like: How long do you need to invest in work? time? How much private/leisure time do you want?
2. Control work-life balance by yourself
Sometimes, you will be too busy to do everything yourself. Knowing your main priorities ensures you make time for the things that matter most.
At work, make to-do lists and consider delegating some less important responsibilities. At home, you may need to let go of some responsibilities to focus on other, more important activities. Undoubtedly, this means that you sometimes need to say "no". While it may seem difficult at first, if saying yes all the time makes you feel unhappy and stressed, saying no is a step you have to take.
3. Consider your work schedule
One of the most effective ways to achieve work-life balance is to reduce your working hours, such as switching from a full-time job to a part-time job. Of course, this approach isn't always possible, especially if you need to share the financial strain on your family.
While you may not feel comfortable talking to your boss or asking for his or her help, talking to your boss is the best way to find out if you have other options, such as flexible working or working from home. These methods have all been shown to significantly increase job satisfaction, productivity, and promote more engaged work. Another benefit of working from home: saving commute time.
A study on working from home showed that employees who worked from home made 13.5% more phone calls compared to those who worked in the office, suggesting that having more work style options can positively impact employee productivity.
4. Leverage and benefit from technology
Making the most of technology can help you achieve a work-life balance. Whether you're working at home, in a shared office space, or on the go, you can easily communicate and collaborate with colleagues through your mobile device.
Technology can also help you be more productive, allowing you to get things off your to-do list faster. That way, you can spend more precious time with your loved ones.
Of course, while technology can help a lot, beware that an "always-on" mentality can make it harder to achieve a work-life balance. Have you ever checked email after get off work, answered work calls on days off, and tackled work while on vacation?
To avoid these situations, it is important to set clear boundaries and know when to focus on your work and when to withdraw from it. In this regard, France has experience that we can learn from. To protect employees' private lives, France recently passed a new law requiring employers to set times when employees should not check or respond to emails.
5. Spend time with your family
Do you always put your personal time very far back? If you regularly juggle work while engaging in leisure activities, stop doing so immediately. Just like scheduling a work meeting, you need to schedule dedicated time with friends and family or even by yourself. Only in this way can private life be considered to be arranged on the schedule and get your attention.
Of course, you not only need to do it physically, but also change your mind. So shut down your laptop and put your phone on silent so you can't be thinking about work when you should be relaxing.
Smart watches can play an integral role in helping balance life and work, helping people better manage time, monitor health, process information, provide entertainment and relaxation.