Whole Wheat Bread Calories and Weight Loss Benefits

Wheat Bread

Whole Wheat Bread Calories and Weight Loss Benefits

Alias: whole wheat bread, whole wheat toast, whole wheat bread slices, whole wheat toast
Calories: 254 kcal (100g)
Category: potato, potato, miscellaneous beans, staple food

Nutritional Information

Nutrients Content(per 100g)
Calories(kcal) 254.00
Fat (grams) 3.55
Cellulose (grams) 6.00
Carbohydrates (grams) 43.10
Protein (grams)  12.30


Unit of Measure

Unit of measure Calories (edible portion calories)
1 thick slice of whole wheat bread (36.0 g) 91 kcal
Standard(100g)  254 kcal


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