Gesunde Ernährung

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We've all been there – the irresistible allure of a hearty, indulgent meal that leaves us feeling satisfied but also a bit weighed down. While enjoying sumptuous feasts is one of life's great pleasures, the post-meal discomfort of bloating, sluggishness, and indigestion can put a damper on the experience. The good news is that there are several strategies and natural remedies to help your body digest that heavy meal more efficiently. 
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When it comes to food, few things evoke nostalgia and warmth like comfort food. Those hearty, familiar dishes from our childhood or cultural background have a special place in our hearts. However, traditional comfort foods are often loaded with calories, unhealthy fats, and excess sugars, which might not align with our health goals. But fear not! With a little creativity and some clever ingredient swaps, you can enjoy all the cozy goodness of your favorite comfort foods while staying on track with your health and wellness journey.


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Wenn Sie gesund abnehmen wollen, ist die Ernährung sehr wichtig! Und nährstoffreiche, proteinreiche Lebensmittel können nicht nur die Muskulatur stärken, dem Körper bei der Kalorienverbrennung helfen, sondern auch das Sättigungsgefühl lange aufrechterhalten. Die Ernährungswissenschaftlerin Sophie Medlin empfiehlt speziell sieben Arten von „kalorienarmen, proteinreichen“ Zutaten.