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In a world where high-intensity workouts and extreme fitness regimes often steal the spotlight, the humble act of walking is often overlooked. Yet, walking is one of the most accessible and effective forms of exercise, especially for those who are just starting their fitness journey or have been inactive for a while. If you're a non-exerciser looking to dip your toes into the realm of physical activity, then lace up your sneakers and join us as we explore the best walking workout tailored just for you.
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La exposición a la luz natural del sol es sin duda una buena idea para perder peso. Los científicos dicen que las personas que caminan al aire libre por la mañana son más delgadas que las que caminan al aire libre más tarde. Creen que la luz brillante de la mañana ayuda a sincronizar los relojes biológicos, lo que ayuda a regular el metabolismo del cuerpo.
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