Croissant Calories and Weight Loss Benefits
Alias: bread, croissant, croissant
Calories: 378 calories (100g)
Category: potato, miscellaneous beans, staple food
Nutritional Information
Nutrients |
Content (per 100g) |
Calories(kcal) | 378.00 |
Fat (grams) | 14.30 |
Cellulose (grams) | 1.50 |
Carbohydrates (grams) | 55.00 |
Protein (grams) | 8.40 |
Vitamin A |  一 |
Unit of Measure
Unit of measure | Calories (edible portion calories) |
1 croissant (100.0g) | 378 kcal |
Standard(100g) | Â 378 kcal |