When it comes to achieving a balanced and healthy body, focusing on body composition exercises can make a significant difference. Unlike traditional workouts that only target weight loss or muscle gain individually, body composition exercises aim to improve the ratio of muscle to fat in your body. This approach not only enhances your physical appearance but also boosts overall health and fitness levels.
Maintaining an effective workout routine is a key element in achieving your fitness goals. Whether you're aiming to lose weight, build muscle, or improve cardiovascular health, understanding your target heart rate (THR) can significantly enhance the efficiency of your workouts.
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"multiple_rates": "Encontramos [number_of_rates] tarifas de envío disponibles para [dirección], a partir de [tarifa].",
"one_rate": "Encontramos una tarifa de envío disponible para [dirección].",
"no_rates": "Lo sentimos, no realizamos envíos a este destino.",
"rate_value": "[rate_title] a [tasa]",
"errors": "Hay algunos errores:"
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